Again, these same criticisms are what make the original so great. However, I'm reading most of the negativity surrounding this film is due to a lack of story, bad acting, under-developed characters, and lack of scares. Overall, they did a great job creating the atmosphere of an Evil Dead film. The setup of the addict trying to kick her habit (and not for the first time) logically keeps the kids at the cabin when the audience sees things starting to get a bit strange. The film contains some wonderful dark humor (much like the original). Once the carnage begins, the film is basically about the carnage (much like the original). The film contains some over-the-top scenes and acting (much like the original). The film contains lots of gross-out, bloody scenes (much like the original). To my generation, I can see how we'll prefer the original. To a younger generation, I can see how they'll prefer this over the original.

Is this film better than the original? I think the question is unfair.